Introduction to the blog

Creating meant 10% of talent, 30% of work on the piece you create, 60% of work on yourself. Work is work, but what’s about the talent? I cannot define it, at least in my case.

After omniscient Wikipedia: “Talent is the biggest unit of weight and money used in Assyria, Babylonia, ancient Greece and Palestine. It was equal to 60 mins.”

While creating my stories, I made at least 60 facial expressions (“min” in Polish) in front of the mirror, I also ran into 60 mines, traps posed by different circumstances, so taking into account my weight and desire to have money, I must have talent. At least one.


For many years I have been writing only for myself, until I became brave enough to let some of my friends read my science fiction short stories. They didn’t know each other, but they had one thing in common – they all asked me one question: “Why don’t you publish it?” And that was the beginning. For couple of years, I’ve been writing some pieces, polishing these stories until I’ve created a collection of stories ready to be published. I will describe further steps in creating my stories in next entries of my blog.

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